Carson Micro Pocket Optics *New* And Sale Priced!

Explore the outdoors in a whole new way. These pocket sized microscopes are perfect for those camping trips with the kids, for checking out different types of ticks, gnats, hair samples, feathers, creek and pond water quality. I've used mine to find a tiny splinter.

The silver/gray Carson Micro Flip MP-250, 100-250x Pocket Microscope provides a deep view that can bring prorozoa, algea, and yeast into focus. LED illuminated, requires 1 AA battery. Zoom and focus separately, with a slide holder and a phone holder clamp to steady your pictures. Good for detecting many parasites in fish and meat,

The blue Carson Pocket Micro MM-450 Field Microscope is a 20-60x microscope capable of tick and insect identification, plant mites, hair and micro feather patterns. Also good for detecting patterns in scales, print quality, and some mold or fungus identification. LED illuminated, It's a good size for fishermen, hikers, hunters, and gardeners.

The orange Carson Micro Mini MM-280, with 20x fixed power, is a keychain sized quick peek at the Micro life around you. 20 power is plenty to check out ticks and bugs, hair, feathers, scales, sand and powders. LED illuminated so you don't have to search for light. Very handy, I've been carrying one myself. It brings a knife edge into view, along with fingerprints, splinters , wear patterns on shells, stones and load ramps.

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